A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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EAPN Conference | Multi-Layered Oppressions Faced By Marginalized Communities

Day Three.

As we concluded the 8th EAP conference, we found inspiration in powerful ideas and calls to action that challenged existing power structures and colonial legacies. This experience revealed the need for philanthropy to adopt a new approach—one that embraces local contexts and draws from the wisdom of African cultures.

Throughout the conference, we heard passionate voices reminding us that true philanthropy goes beyond mere aid—it is a love for people, an expression of Ubuntu—I am because we are. To decolonize philanthropy, we realized the importance of contextualizing it and tapping into our African wisdom to identify what truly works for our communities.

*Here is a reflection on some of the key points raised:

The discussions highlighted the multi-layered oppressions faced by marginalized communities, including limited access to wealth, resources, culture, language, education, and opportunities. We acknowledged that Euro-centric constructs and the colonial economy have played a role in perpetuating these inequalities. To kindle the flames of momentum and forge an enduring impact, we extend a passionate invitation to join our esteemed DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) community of practice. As vibrant contributors to this community, we will harness the wealth of knowledge derived from our discussions, translating it into actionable approaches that pave the way forward.

We scrutinized philanthropy for focusing on creating palatable situations for elites rather than disrupting global systems of production, reproduction, and knowledge. We heard a call for philanthropy to consider the way of the people and their cultures, and for African philanthropy to organize independently for the liberation of East Africa.

We emphasized the significance of a collective approach to addressing adaptation and resilience in philanthropy. We recognized that co-creation, trust building, and community engagement are key elements for generating enduring solutions. Let us forge a powerful partnership in co-designing impactful development initiatives that uplift and empower communities. We invite you to participate actively in our national philanthropy forums and other influential convening’s, where your voice and insights will design the future we all aspire. Remember to save the dates for two events that we are happy to host alongside our partners: the 4th Africa Philanthropy Conference scheduled for July in Senegal and the WINGS Forum in Nairobi this October.

We explored the concept of Ubuntu, which means, "I am because we are," as a framework for philanthropy. It emphasized the interconnectedness of humanity and the love of people. Building movements required the complementarity of skills and a focus on moving pillars rather than needles. We recognized the need to shift power dynamics and center communities in philanthropic efforts, challenging the addiction to narratives of the empire. Elevate your impact by joining the Africa CSO Platform your gateway to Africa's dynamic civil society sector—the central hub where data converges with actionable insights. Sign up now to be part of an influential movement driving meaningful change across the continent.

We emphasized the crucial need to contextualize philanthropy and draw upon African wisdom to discern the most suitable approaches. We recognized that methods that may have yielded positive outcomes in the past might not necessarily be effective in the current landscape.

To bring about meaningful change and address structural injustices, we emphasized the need to shift the focus of philanthropy to funding the roots of these issues rather than the symptoms. We recognized the need for support to local philanthropists and urged social justice organizations to address the root causes more than their mere manifestations. We emphasized the importance of capturing and quantifying local contributions that have always been disregarded to the development agenda.

We delved into the concept of localizing philanthropy and the imperative of translating discussions into concrete outcomes. Our conversations centered on decentralization, participatory planning and implementation, and the significance of forging effective partnerships. We underscored the importance of ensuring equal opportunity for local resource allocation and highlighted existing efforts and interventions that exemplify these principles.

In conclusion, we extend an invitation to all of you to embrace and carry forward the spirit of this conference. Let us steadfastly cultivate resilience, courageously challenge power dynamics, and unwaveringly position communities at the very heart of our philanthropic endeavors.

We wholeheartedly express our profound gratitude to you for your untiring passion, exceptional participation, and inspiring insights that have ignited a powerful wave of positive change. Your dedication to shaping the trajectory of philanthropy in East Africa has set us on an extraordinary transformative journey. Together, united in our collective efforts, we hold the keys to a future full of possibilities.