A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Intersectional Rapid Gender Analysis in Embakasi | Advancing Youth Digital Media and Online Civic Reasoning

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This was a one-month-long Intersectional Rapid Gender Analysis (IRGA) that will support the Research for Change programming conducted by The Youth Cafe by identifying and later meeting the differing challenges and needs of women, men, boys, girls, and gender non-conforming persons in Embakasi. This was our second IRGA and the first IRGA in the Embakasi region.

The aim of the IRGA was to inform how best we could meet the differing needs of men, boys, women, girls and gender non-conforming persons in our project of Advancing Digital Literacy and Civic Engagement through our dedicated handbook. Based on the Youth Excel’s Leadership and Digital Competencies design team, recommendations from the Youth Excel global GESI report and key literature from the field of Rapid Gender Analysis, we explored five areas of interest; enabling environment, gender roles, responsibilities and time use, contribution and agency, assets and resources, and protection.