A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Report Launch | Greater Inclusion Of African Youth In Public Service And Governance

Youth inclusion should be institutionalized and fast-tracked.’ As part of its mandate, The African Union Office of the Youth Envoy and the African Leadership Institute with support of the African Union, Department of Political Affairs hosted a two-day virtual engagement to launch the 'Greater Inclusion of African Youth in Public Service and Governance Report.'

As expressed by the African Union Commissioner of Political Affairs, H. E Mme Minata Samate Cessouma, in her introductory remarks during the launch of the youth inclusion report, "My call to the African heads of state and government is to invest more in youth, that will determine the pathway for our continent development”, When you invest in youths, you invest in the economy and turn out strength of a nation. It is the youth that determines and shapes the future of a country, hence the need to empower them at an early stage for sustainable results at a later stage.

The Report is a useful resource for member states as it summarizes insights on achieving greater youth inclusion in governance across the continent, and it also provides eight practical recommendations, the AU commissioner, explained in conclusion.