A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member Of The East Africa Philanthropy Network

The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member Of The East Africa Philanthropy Network

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Dr. Moses Mwaniki of EAPN (Right) and Willice O. Onyango (Left) of The Youth Cafe

The Youth Cafe proudly became an active member of The East Africa Philanthropy Network (EAPN), formerly the East Africa Association of Grantmakers (EAAG), is a network of local charitable trusts and community, corporate and private foundations passionate about promoting a culture of giving in the region.

The East Africa Philanthropy Network's mission is to provide a collaborative platform that champions, connects, and innovative co-creates solutions to advance philanthropy in East Africa. Established in 2003, EAPN strengthens the practice of philanthropy through

demand-driven research, professional development, alliance building with local and international networks in philanthropy, lobbies, and advocates for a favorable legal and regulatory framework for philanthropy to thrive.

Group Photo With The Youth Cafe Staff

The Youth Café strives to enrich the lives of young people by modeling and advancing youth-led and rights-based approaches to foster young people’s civic efficacy, community resilience, sustainable development, and equitable society,

as well as proposing innovative solutions, driving social progress, and inspiring transformative change by utilizing innovative research, policy, and advocacy actions.

Through this integration, The Youth Cafe will receive membership benefits, including opportunities to connect with colleagues within an active and diverse network of philanthropy professionals.

Some of EAPN's networking events include the Annual Conference involving EAPN’s signature event; inclusive, the annual conference connects over 200 trusts, foundations, CSOs, and guests from across the region and internationally to hear expert speakers, share strategies, network, and have fun. 

Secondly, Constituency Events, composed of  National Philanthropy Forums, hosts constituency-based meetings throughout the year. These meetings can be peer-based, sector-based, program-based, or need-based. The forums provide a rare chance to dig deep with colleagues on issues affecting your philanthropic efforts.

Thirdly Membership Day, which presents an opportunity to explicitly network with members, potential members, partners, the Board, and the Secretariat, and finally, The Youth Cafe will be able to Advertise its events and news with peers worldwide through the EAPN website, newsletter and social media properties.

The Youth Cafe As a member of EAPN, will have the opportunity to be part of various roundtables with a variety of stakeholders and lobby for favorable legal and regulatory frameworks to advance philanthropy in the region.

The Youth Cafe will receive other membership benefits, such as various leadership and professional development courses, master classes, peer learning forums, and a wide array of research and survey publications.

Additionally,  The Youth Cafe will be eligible to serve on the EAPN Board of Directors,  get discounted rates for exhibition space at the EAPN Annual Conference, and Use of the EAPN logo, which identifies you as a member of the only East Africa Philanthropy support Network together with access to EAPN representation.

 Furthermore,  Additional benefits consist of Affiliation to international philanthropy organizations and support networks such as WINGS, Access to regular research, publications, and resources on philanthropy,  Appear on featured pages on the EAPN newsletter and website, Access to all EAPN events and activities throughout the year,

Opportunity to lead thematic groups/communities of practice, the Opportunity to serve on the East Africa Philanthropy Award (EAPA) jury, and Free access to knowledge hub resources, both internal and external Youth Café Foundation has made an impact in the social development space specifically around redefining business success to include a positive impact on people and the planet, not just for profit.

The mission is to provide a collaborative platform that champions, connects, and co-creates innovative solutions to advance philanthropy in East Africa.