What is the Youth cafe Internship Program?

The Youth Cafe is Africa's leading pan-African host organization managing successful Internship programmes through various Africa-based mobility projects since 2012, acting primarily as a receiving intermediary organization in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Program. Our organization continuously strives to find the best work placements, industrial attachments, apprenticeship, and internships for students and young graduates to obtain the most appropriate hands-on experience during their internship in Africa.

Although the number of companies expanding in Africa overseas has increased in recent years due to the increase in the domestic market, the shortage of "global talent" who is responsible for African development, especially for Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises, has become a challenge.
Utilizing highly skilled young professionals, such as for participation in organizational expansion or creation of innovation from a new perspective, will contribute to strengthen competitiveness of Africa. However it has not been sufficiently achieved, especially in Small-and-Medium-Sized companies, due to their lack of experience in working with young talent or the network.

Given that, we hope to achieve the following goals.

  1. Knowledge building aimed at new developments and expansion of Africa-based organizations

  2. Changing Mind through working with young professionals and experiencing cross-generational, inter-cultural communication

  3. Constructing networks and developing in-house systems in conjunction with universities aimed at securing highly-skilled young professionals

Why not take up an internship and find a new career?

Your chance to find a new career!

By participating in this internship, you can learn organizational and business strategies and acquire the skills and expertise from Africa-based companies, and have trained as productive young leaders capable of working in the community, country, Africa, and all over the world in the future.

Program Goals

In short The Youth Cafe offers:
• Extensive placement experience
• Placement mentoring & monitoring
• Experienced and qualified staff
• Training courses
• English language tuition (on demand)
• Training & social programs (on demand)

Currently, The Youth Cafe is working with 126 higher educational and vocational institutions from African member states. In the past 2 years, The Youth Cafe has hosted over 1,500 students from African countries and beyond. The Youth Cafe has a network of 650 African organisations who regularly host our interns.


The Youth Cafe has 3 years of experience providing quality internship experiences to African and international university students, recent graduates, young professionals, post graduates and voluntary workers to become an Intern or Trainee with an Africa-based company. These structured and guided work-based learning programs offer cultural immersion in Africa together with professional development and hands-on experience in the interns or trainees specific academic or occupational fields.

The Youth Cafe has developed an extensive database of companies and businesses willing to offer internship opportunities to foreign students in Africa. Each intern's placement offer is tailored to their sector and our qualified staff will ensure that all details are taken care of so you can experience the program with total peace of mind.

Benefits of The Youth Cafe Internship in Africa: 

- Gain hands-on work experience in the best organisations and enhance your CV
- Improvement of knowledge within the industry you are studying
- English language practice 
- Intercultural workplaceexperience
- Plenty of opportunities to find a paid full time job
- Many possibilities for recreation and socialisation

The following services are included in the program:
- Application processing
- Skype interview to verify english level
- Host organisation screening
- Site visit to host organisation
- Accommodation and identification of housing leads
- Cultural support, opportunities, coaching, and advice