A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Give Directly

Give Directly

We give cash directly to people living in poverty.

GiveDirectly is the first — and largest — nonprofit that lets donors like you send money directly to the world’s poorest. We believe people living in poverty deserve the dignity to choose for themselves how best to improve their lives — cash enables that choice.

In fact, research finds people use cash in impactful and creative ways.

We read the research. We read more research. Then we did our own research. And it turns out, people use cash on medicinecows and goats and chickensschool feeswatersolar lightstin roofsirrigationmotorcycles to jumpstart taxi servicesbusinesses to generate income; and more.

If you think about it, doesn’t giving directly make sense?

Cash allows individuals to invest in what they need, instead of relying on aid organizations and donors thousands of miles away to choose for them. Isn’t this what you would prefer?