The Youth Cafe: A Decade of Impact and Innovation in African Youth Development

The Youth Cafe: A Decade of Impact and Innovation in African Youth Development

The Youth Café (TYC) is one of Africa’s largest convening communities of young professionals, harnessing youth’s participation and expertise in advocacy, policy and research for social impact. TYC engages over 3,500 member organizations, 1,200 subject matter experts, and over 947,000 individuals aged 18-35 virtually from different countries in Africa. On a monthly basis, over 260,000 digital touchpoints are organized. Its broad membership enables TYC to become an incubator and trusted center of excellence for best practices, tools, and standards for youth development.

Global Digital Compact: zero draft

Global Digital Compact: zero draft

In this era of digital revolution, our world undergoes a metamorphosis like never before. Digital technologies promise boundless advantages for the welfare of individuals, societies, and the environment, offering a pathway towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. Digital technologies are dramatically transforming our world. They offer immense potential benefits for the wellbeing and advancement of people, societies, and for our planet. They hold out the promise of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

  2. We are determined to realize these opportunities. We recognize our shared responsibility to harness the benefits of technology for all. Equally, the misuse and missed use of digital technologies harms all of us and we are committed to anticipate and mitigate risks.

  3. Our goal is an inclusive, open, safe, and secure digital future for all. We can only achieve this through international cooperation and governance that closes digital divides and advances an equitable and inclusive digital world. This Global Digital Compact sets out the objectives, commitments, and actions we undertake to achieve this goal.

Zero Draft of the Declaration on Future Generations

Zero Draft of the Declaration on Future Generations

We, the Heads of State and Government representing the peoples of the world at the Summit of the Future, at the United Nations Headquarters on 22 and 23 September 2024,

  • Reaffirming our commitments in the Charter of the United Nations, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

  • Recalling that we have repeatedly reaffirmed our obligations to future generations and our determination to safeguard their needs and interests, including, inter alia, in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 2023 SDG Political Declaration,

  • Observing that many social, cultural and religious or spiritual belief-based practices, as well as numerous national constitutions and legal systems exist, that seek to safeguard future generations and promote intergenerational solidarity and responsibility,

FOC 10th Anniversary Helsinki Declaration - Towards a Rules-based, Democratic and Digitally Inclusive World

FOC 10th Anniversary Helsinki Declaration - Towards a Rules-based, Democratic and Digitally Inclusive World

We, the Foreign Ministers of the Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) Member States, strongly reaffirm our commitment to protect and promote human rights for all, both online and offline, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights instruments. Today, the FOC’s mission to promote Internet freedom and protect human rights online is more vital than ever. Access to free1 , open, interoperable, secure, and reliable Internet by all worldwide strengthens democracies and security.

The Ottawa Agenda: Recommendations for Freedom Online

The Ottawa Agenda: Recommendations for Freedom Online

Reaffirm our commitment to respect, protect and fulfil human rights for all, both online and offline, as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other human rights instruments, as well as the Freedom Online Coalition’s various statements and declarations, including the Tallinn Agenda and Helsinki Declaration.

Recommendations for Freedom Online Adopted in Tallinn, Estonia on April 28, 2014 by Ministers of the Freedom Online Coalition

Recommendations for Freedom Online Adopted in Tallinn, Estonia on April 28, 2014 by Ministers of the Freedom Online Coalition

Reaffirming our commitment to respect and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and endorsed in the Freedom Online Coalition’s Founding Declaration. Recalling our obligation to adopt and encourage policies and practices, nationally and internationally, that promote the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms online, in particular freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information, the right to privacy, as set out in the article 17 in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

FOC Joint Statement on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights

The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) is a group of 32 countries deeply committed to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms both offline and online. We are committed to working together to support Internet freedom and human rights for individuals worldwide – including the freedoms of expression, association, peaceful assembly, and privacy rights.



Underscoring our commitment to respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and reaffirming that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers, as well as the right to freedom of assembly and association, the right to the protection of the law against arbitrary interference with his or her privacy, and the freedom of religion or belief, amongst others.



The DAC defines official development assistance (ODA) as “government aid that promotes and specifically targets the economic development and welfare of developing countries.” Understanding of this definition has changed over time, recognising, for example, the emergence of “non-DAC providers or philanthropic foundations, the diversification of financial instruments for development, or the increasing overlap of development cooperation policy objectives with those of other sectors such as migration and security.”



A well-functioning independent media system is critical to sustainable social and economic development, and a bulwark of peaceful, economically prosperous societies. Greater citizen engagement, stronger accountability and lower corruption are all attributable to the presence of professional news media. A vibrant news sector is also fundamental as the first line of defence against democratic backsliding and autocratisation, whose first step is often to undermine media freedom and financial viability. Credible news media provide sunlight on critical social, economic and political issues to ensure a well-informed civil society and accountability of industry and private interests