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Youth Democracy Cohort | Knowledge Sharing Program Event on Civic Space

  • The Youth Cafe Kitisuru Gardens, Getathuru Road Kiambu Nairobi Kenya (map)

The Knowledge Sharing Programme initiative is designed to equip the Youth Democracy Cohort member organizations with the essential tools and skills needed for impactful project implementation and sustainable growth. Ultimately, the idea is to create a library of learning resources.


The inaugural event, which will take place on 28 November 2023, marks the beginning of an exciting journey. This online session will delve deep into the dynamic realm of Civic Space through the experience of an inspiring organisation: Code for Africa. Code for Africa is Africa’s largest network of civic technology and data journalism labs.

The Youth Cafe is honoured to be part of this online session; the event will also have Sarah Gowon and Damola Oladipo from Code for Africa as the event’s hosts and facilitators, ensuring an engaging and enlightening experience for all participants. 

Why Civic Space? Understanding and nurturing civic space is vital for fostering vibrant democracies. In this event, we aim to :

  • Present Code for Africa’s experience in digital democracy to inspire the Youth Democracy Cohort members

  • Provide mentoring and advice to youth organisations working or willing to work in the field of civic tech

  • Provide concrete solutions to advocate for better inclusion of youth in democracy.

As advocates for change, it is imperative that we empower ourselves with the knowledge to navigate and influence the spaces where civic engagement thrives.