A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Africa Union Solidarity Visits

AU: Solidarity Visits

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Despite Covid-19 (im)mobility, the African Union Youth Envoy, Ms. Aya Chebbi has been on the ground for solidarity missions. In November, she visited Namibia and South Sudan and addressed Kenyan youth during the Launch of the Kenya NiMiMi national Campaign.


Ms. Aya Chebbi visited Namibia and listened to the #ShutItAllDown youth movement which has taken to the streets in peaceful protest to demand the end of GBV and are now working closely with the government institutions and highest level of leadership to address the crisis.

In a courtesy call with His Excellency President Hage G Geingob at the State House of the Republic of Namibia, the envoy presented the Report on Greater Inclusion of African Youth in Public Service and Governance.

The President has committed to more youth inclusion and strengthening the intergenerational approach.

South Sudan

Ms. Aya Chebbi, has undertaken a solidarity visit to commemorate Africa Youth Day, engaging with youth groups, government officials, civil society organisations among other stakeholders.

The Youth Envoy visit was a follow-up on her mission in July 2019 particularly on the ratification of the African Youth Charter as well as mobilization for the 2020 AU Theme of the Year “ Silencing the Guns”.


The African Union Youth Envoy joined H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta for the launch of #KenyaNiMiMi, a nationwide campaign to galvanize youth voices and build trust & collaboration calling for intergenerational co-leadership and greater inclusion of Kenyan youth in governance so that they take their rightful place in society. 

Listen to the AU Youth Envoy's message to African Youth 

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