A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Global Partnership for the Youth Peace and Security Agenda

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted unanimously, on 9 December 2015, a ground-breaking resolution on Youth, Peace and Security otherwise referred to as UNSCR 2250. The UNSCR 2250 is the solution agreed upon as the way to foster and develop youth participation in the fight towards peace and security. This resolution identifies the key foundations of youth in Peace and Security as participation, protection, prevention, partnerships and disengagement and reintegration. Many countries are forming alliances and communities of practice geared towards implementation of these 5 factors. The Youth Café is greatly invested in the discourse surrounding peace and security especially while considering youth as a great asset in advocacy and actions that lead to peace. We are privileged to be involved in two country-based sessions that stem from the UNSCR2250.

The US Youth Peace and security 2020 (#YES4YPs) The US Youth Peace and Security Act is based on a coalition to actively engage youths in the planning and active fights against extremism and insecurity in the world. The need for the coalition building stem from the rooted stereotypes that youths are the perpetrators of conflict, often part of the problem and lacking the strength and perspective for security. However, these stereotypes hold no roots for the most part. Globally, about 1.4million people live in poverty and highly compromising institutions of which a good percentage are young people. Statistics show that the image perpetrated by the society about the roles that youths play in security is shallow and requires a more in depth look. Young people are often at the forefront of peace talks and conflict resolution given that they are affected the most. The Youth Café recently won a position to co-chair the Knowledge mobilization sector of this coalition as solutions for sustainable peace are generated. Knowledge mobilization will include a lot of data collection and report writing necessary to gear attention of key stakeholders. We are excited about the possibilities of this coalition in implementing the global peace agenda and in sharing information and decision making with the US Congress. It is imperative that donors, policy makers, institutions of higher learning and youth leaders come together to drive the global peace agenda forward. We strongly believe that the peace agenda is long overdue and the support of all stakeholders in this agenda will provide the US as well as the world a strong start in the right direction. It is alarming to see that the insecurity cases around the globe are at an all-time high reflecting the edginess and lack of satisfaction for many people. In a time with a lot of politics on race, gender and ideologies, connecting to our human nature and inclination is well-timed.

Africa and UNSCR 2250 Security is not a solitary issue that exists by itself devoid of other influences in the society. One of the key influences of peace and security is poverty and lack of access to key needs. Young people are often heftily affected by lack of economic opportunities that make them prone to promising and violent acts. It is no wonder that these needs are exploited by militant groups seeking to disrupt a good life in society. Given an example of Alshabaab, which is believed to be a branch of AlQaeda, young men and women are often exploited through promises of a better life. They see a promise of a better life far apart from their desolation. The Intersectionality of social issues is thus something to be considered when defining roles and solutions for youths in different parts.

“A vote for Kenya is a vote for multilateralism,” President Kenyatta Lobbying for UNSCR Council Membership.

Youths should and will be engaged by fostering some of the following fronts:

  1. Providing a simplified understanding of the UNSCR2250 which will likely be presente in different languages.
  2. Capacity building to help youths understands the need for their participation in the planning and execution of the global peace agenda.
  3. A proper advocacy plan that is built for the attention and interest of the Kenyan youths.
  4. Robust monitoring and evaluation plan that encompasses the needs of the youths and the expectations of the leaders.

The role of Kenya in the achievement of the global peace agenda given that we were endorsed by African Union for the Eastern African seat in the global council and eventually won against Djibouti. Kenya has made strides in its security and peace efforts within the country as well as regarding the neighboring countries. With the lurking conflicts in Sudan and the political tension in Somalia, Kenya is at an opportune place to effect change in both countries. The allegiance of Kenya to the agenda in the two years of temporary membership will mean that more resources will be available to change the lives of vulnerable youths in different parts of Kenya. Removing vulnerabilities will then open up opportunities for more youths to develop a healthy and sustainable life that is not dictated by the promise of basic needs. Considering that 2022 is an electioneering year in Kenya, there is more promise of peace and respect during the democratic process.