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The Youth Cafe Endorses UN2020 Declaration | Civil Society Partnerships For The UN We Need

Humanity at a Crossroads:
Global Solutions for Global Challenges

At a time when change is progressing at a pace and scale unparalleled in history, we can
and must lay the foundation for a better path for humanity. This year holds the potential to serve as a crucial turning point in our trajectory towards a world of shared prosperity based on commitments made. A world-encompassing health crisis has shaken the global order to its core. No community is immune and we can no longer behave as if our current institutions are sufficient to secure our future. Like the United Nations rising from the ashes of World War II, our response to this challenge has the potential to transform global governance to reflect a new reality.

Read the complete Declaration and Plan for Global Action


The UN2020 initiative is dedicated to using the 75th anniversary of the United Nations in 2020 as an opportunity to take stock and strengthen the UN system in partnership with civil society, governments, and the UN in support of a people-centered multilateralism.

We believe that strengthening the UN system means improving multilateral relations and structures for global problem-solving.

To this end: we involve the progressive voice of civil society in the conversation about the UN we need to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Why #MultilateralismMatters

At a time when nationalism is on the rise and multilateralism is being called into question by powerful governments, we are faced with an increasing number of global threats that require greater international cooperation across borders, sectors and generations. 

What will the future look like if the major trends of climate change, military conflict, and inequality are left unchecked in the absence of global cooperation?

Renewing multilateralism: we need bold collective action more than ever.

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