A Light Bulb of Youth In African Development

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Youth Excel Global Launch Event

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The Youth Cafe hereby invites you to the global launch of the USAID- funded Youth Excel program which will take place on Tuesday May 4, 2021, from 9:00am-11:00am EDT

Youth Excel is a 5-year global program. It will strengthen youth-led local development by supporting youth-led and youth-serving organizations and groups to conduct quality implementation research (IR), and strengthening local systems through intergenerational dialogue and knowledge mobilization for collaborative learning, advocacy, and partnerships with diverse stakeholders.  

The Youth Excel launch will address the following theme:How might we, as the global youth development community, leverage youth-led research and learning so that international development works better for young people, their communities, and the world?”  

The launch event will feature a youth panel discussion on the power of youth-led research to impact youth development as well as remarks from the IREX CEO, Kristin Lord and a senior USAID/DDI keynote speaker.

Youth Excel Global Launch Event aims to introduce the international youth development community (including USAID) to Youth Excel and share ways in which youth, USAID Missions and Bureaus, and other stakeholders can engage with Youth Excel. 

Key audiences in the launch will feature The Youth Cafe’s Executive Director, Willice Onyango on a youth panel discussion on the power of the youth-led research to impact youth development. The launch event will also feature USAID officials including Mission and Bureau staff, members of the international youth development community, members of the Youth Excel consortium and  Global Youth Advisory Council, youth, youth-led and youth-serving organizations, other donors, and private sector officials. 

This event will be offered via Zoom and our social media platforms through live streaming. We will share links with attendees prior to the event.

Register now here.

We look forward to having you there!

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Us