Trade and Investment

Trade and investment play an essential role in economic growth and employment. The Youth Cafe has a successful record of assessing international trade and investment impacts. We provide advice and capacity building in the areas of policy development, implementation, and evaluation. For example, support in the areas of trade negotiations and trade and investment promotion instruments.

Competition and Regulation

Well-functioning markets and adequate government supervision are essential building blocks for a sustainable economy. The Youth Cafe supports international organizations, ministries, regulators, and private organizations with the economic analysis of markets and industries, applicable regulation, antitrust behavior, and distorting market factors.

Private sector development and SMEs

A robust private sector and well-functioning markets supported by an enabling environment and policies are essential to pro-poor economic growth. The Youth Café provides extensive experience in research and consultancy services to donors and governments to support an enabling environment Africa-wide. Our support covers a range of areas, including evaluation, sector studies, growth strategies, and capacity building of government institutions.

Digital economy

The impact of the digital economy on society is overwhelming. Online platforms and digital technologies are changing the way we live and will change our lives even more in the future. The Youth Cafe advises companies, policymakers, and other stakeholders on how to deal with these changes by offering market studies, impact analysis, and strategic advice.


Competitiveness is the set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the economic performance of firms, sectors, and countries. The Youth Cafe frequently conducts competitiveness studies and assessments and provides policy advice on boosting competitiveness. Our toolkit includes well-established approaches, including our own competitiveness assessment methodology. Our work on competitiveness also builds on our expertise in trade, private sector development, and SMEs.

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