Democracy In East Africa In The Wake Of The Coronavirus Pandemic: Challenges And Opportunities

Democracy In East Africa In The Wake Of The Coronavirus Pandemic: Challenges And Opportunities

Willice Onyango, the Executive Director of The Youth Cafe has been honored to be one of the speakers at an online event: Democracy In East Africa In The Wake Of The Coronavirus Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities. . Some of the speakers are Former President of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan, Former First lady of Mozambique Graca Machel, and Ugandan Political and Human Rights Activist Kifefe Kizza-Besigye among others.

The 2021 Generation Equality Forum

The 2021 Generation Equality Forum

The 2021 Generation Equality Forum is a once in generation opportunity: to repair the damage done by the pandemic, to address long-term barriers to gender equality, and to secure women’s rights for decades to come. It will bring together governments, corporations and change-makers, united in pushing for urgent implementation and action. The event is organized by UN Women with the governments of Mexico and France, and with the involvement of youth and civil society organizations all over the world.