10 Things You Must Know About Corona Virus

So how is 2020 for you so far? This is your friendly a reminder that it is only March and this is real life. Feels like we are living in a simulation right? Well, there is not much verified information out there about the locust invasion, the looming nuclear war or whether or not the government is spying on us but we do have information on this decade’s pandemic, the Corona Virus. Here is what you need to know:

1.      A pandemic is a disease epidemic that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents, or worldwide. A widespread endemic disease with a stable number of infected people is not a pandemic. Further, flu pandemics generally exclude recurrences of seasonal flu.

2.      What is Corona Virus? Well for starters, it isn’t just the Corona Virus Disease that we discovered in 2019 but the coronaviruses as a cluster. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). It is basically a compound of most respiratory diseases.

3.      Where did it start? The first case of COVID-19 can be traced to China in Wuhan as early as November last year. Many sources claim that China covered up the severity and even the existence of the disease until early this year, in January. But conspiracies aside, it is believed to have come from Wuhan’s wet market and spread from there through travel.

4.      Why is it a serious threat? Well, because COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease of 2019) actually attacks your lungs and thus it is much easier to get pneumonia and other respiratory problems that will kill you. It is much more severe; imagine flu symptoms but stronger. Also,it has been proven to be able to spread much faster than the regular flu thus increasing risk factor. It has also claimed about 8,000 lives so far and it seems like the world wide pandemic has only just began.

5.      What are the Symptoms? Any symptom of a flu or common cold is a symptom of the Corona Virus. We are talking:

  • coughing,

  • sneezing,

  • fever,

  • shortness of breath and

  • Breathing difficulties.

Some more serious symptoms, which indicate a progression in the infection, are:

  • pneumonia

  • severe acute respiratory syndrome,

  • kidney failure and

  •   even death

6.      Who can be infected? There have been positive tests from people of all ages however, older people (ages 60+) are being cautioned because they are more likely to contract COVID19 and it is much more severe and progresses faster. Also, those with pre-existing chronic medical conditions, pregnant women and children whose immune systems are still developing are at a higher risk. This is not to say that the young and healthy should throw caution to the wind but to say that we should all take care of our health in order to safeguard the lives of the ones most at risk of contracting the Corona Virus

7.      How can you prevent yourself from getting COVID-19? Well, the instructions from the World Health Organization are simple:

  • Regular hand washing and sanitisation (with 70% + alcohol)

  • Covering your nose and mouth when in public spaces.( Please remember to dispose of the mask when you take it off)

  • Self-Quarantine i.e stay indoors and reduce chances of infection or spread

  • Thoroughly cooking your meat and eggs

  • Avoid close contact with anyone displaying symptoms i.e social distancing

  • Stay informed.

Some friendly advice from other human beings that seems to work:

  • Avoid touching your face

  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system

  • Get enough sleep, also to boost your immune system

8.      What is the situation? For now, the number of confirmed worldwide cases of coronavirus as of 18th March 2020 is 206,900 with 8,272 deaths so far and 82,889 recovered. This means that there are 115,739 active cases as of now. China, being patient zero, has the most cases with 80,894 cases, 13 new ones withoin the last 24 hours. Italy, Iran, Spain, Germany, South Korea, France and the USA are the next most affected countries in that respective order. Egypt has the most cases in Africa 196 confirmed coronavirus infections, followed by Algeria, South Africa, Morocco and Senegal. Most African countries have less than ten confirmed infections of COVID19 as of now including Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Rwanda, Ivory Coast and DRC. For more information and a country by country study please visit Corona Virus Situation Reports

9.      What should you do if you have symptoms? Find the nearest testing center in your country and please get tested. Follow the advice of the medical professional to the letter and if you can, cover your face while going there and leaving. Please be advised that there are currently no licensed vaccines or therapeutics for COVID19 so do not get duped into trial tests or being drugged.

10.  What is the take away? All this information is meant to make it easier for you to understand, not to scare you. Here is what you should do:

  • Read up on more verified information, the links to official sites will be below this article.

  • Stock up on essential non-perishables and enough immune-boosting foods.

  • Alert friends and family of any verifiable information on COVID19 you get

  • Get tested if you present with any of the symptoms listed above

  • Follow government directions in your country

  • Take care of the people in risk groups and offer them any assistance you can. Shop for them, buy them their medicine, and stay with them.

  • Socially distance yourself. You can avoid parties, engagements and large gatherings for a few weeks while the health professionals do their best to combat and contain the virus.

  • Take care of your health from the inside out.

And here is a friendly list of things you shouldn’t do:

  • Do not share unverified information, especially from non-official sources.

  • Do not panic buy things. Remember the whole area needs access to the same items you are stocking up on so don’t be selfish. You also don’t need that much toilet paper.

  • Don’t panic. Fear and anxiety have been proven to weaken your immune system and you will experience placebo symptoms. Instead stay calm, informed and as safe as you can.

  • Don’t be a xenophobic, racist person. This does not need to be explained.

  • Don’t tease others for taking their health seriously if you are not. Let them be cautious. It is better safe than sorry in this case.

  • Don’t aggravate the work of health professionals by being difficult. Take their advice and help streamline the processes.

  • Don’t chase for clout by spreading rumors that will cause others to panic.

We hope this helps you during this trying time. Remember that human beings have survived worse like the swine flu epidemic, the plague, the world wars and the Ebola pandemic. The human spirit is surprisingly resilient and we shall overcome. Whatever you believe in, now is the time to master faith and take action towards a healthier world. It is also the time to do the things you love, check up on your loved ones and re-evaluate what is important in your life. Let us get out of this a stronger people.


Corona Virus Disease 2019-COVID19.(March 2020). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/summary.html

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Statistics and Research.(March 2020). Retrieved from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public. (March 2020). Retrieved from https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public

Joy Makenah is an Intern at The Youth Cafe, a Writer, Programmer and Digital Content Creator