
Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in the Sahel | Crucial for Sustainable Development | The Youth Cafe

Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in the Sahel | Crucial for Sustainable Development | The Youth Cafe

After flying into the city of Bolin in the Republic of Chad, over the lush fields and receding lakes; Amina Mohammed, the United Nations’ Deputy Secretary-General landed to a rapturous welcome from traditional rulers and local women. Their faces reflected a hope and dignity slipping away under the harsh reality of poverty and insecurity. The women, smiling at them as they disembarked, showed the same resilience she had seen in women in countless contexts: an ability to survive, even in the face of multiple forms of violence and insecurity at home, in public or from political conflict.

Youthful Minister Opening Doors for Women and Girls | The Youth Cafe

Youthful Minister  Opening Doors for  Women and Girls | The Youth Cafe


Bogolo Kenewendo describes herself as having been “an ordinary Botswana child with an ordinary upbringing.”Ms. Kenewendo, poised and focused beyond her years, is being modest. At 32 she is Botswana’s youngest minister, in charge of investment, trade and industry. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics, specializing in macroeconomic policy, public debt management, export development and other trade-related fields.