digital economy

Statement On Possible Internet Disruptions During #RejectFinanceBill2024 Demonstrations.

Statement On Possible Internet Disruptions During #RejectFinanceBill2024 Demonstrations.

The African Youth Cafe alongside twenty-seven international organizations and Kenyan associations of content creators, lawyers, medical officers and human rights defenders express deep concerns of the potential of possible internet and mass media disruptions during this week's demonstrations to #RejectFinanceBill2024

Kenya Kwanza Coalition | Towards a Sustainable Bottom-up Economy

Kenya Kwanza Coalition | Towards a Sustainable Bottom-up Economy

THE KENYA KWANZA COALITION recognizes the Youth as essential and indispensable to the integrity, stability, prosperity, and posterity of our nation and as key drivers of national development, CONVINCED that Kenya’s greatest potential resides in its youthful population and that only through their active and full participation can Kenya surmount the developmental challenges of the present and the future; DEEPLY CONCERNED about the situation of the Kenyan Youth who are yet to be fully engaged and included in production and development,