African Youth Development Foundation (AFRYDEF) | Education For Life-Long Empowerment (ELE)

African Youth Development Foundation (AFRYDEF) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization established in Nigeria in 1999 to mobilize resources and to promote and support sustainable youth empowerment and rural development initiatives in Africa.

AFRYDEF is governed by a Board of Trustees and a Management Committee made up of widely experienced professionals representing diverse communities and interests. Our life-changing and community development programs are funded by membership contributions and public donations.

AFRYDEF Mission: to cost-effectively transform the lives of youths, women and children in the rural communities of Africa through facilitating sustainable youth and rural development initiatives.

Award full and partial post-primary school and university scholarships to children from poor families.
Provide free computer training services at our Multi-purpose Skills Development Centers.
Provide career counseling for teenagers and graduates of post-primary schools intending to enter high schools and universities.
Donate books, computers and other teaching/learning aids to benefiting primary and post-primary schools.
Assist relevant government agencies and institutions in curriculum development and in teacher training.

The Youth Cafe, a pan-african youth organization prides itself as a clearing house for youth resources. The Youth Cafe has published 2000+ reports, and briefs, including hundreds of peer-reviewed publications, reports, research findings e.t.c. If you have any question, correction, improvement regarding the resource; you cannot find what you are looking for; have additional resource that should be included here; please call us or send us an email.