African Youth Lead Policy Paper

Policy Paper: African Youth Lead

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This paper draws on several months of national, regional, and continental youth consultations hosted by the African Union Office of the Youth Envoy (OYE) in collaboration with Africa CDC. These include the virtual youth consultations held from23rd March 2020 to 11 June 2020; as well as focus group consultations carried out by member networks of the African Youth Front.

The aim of these consultations were to collect opinions and recommendations from youth leaders, with a view to inform policy briefs that were shared with Africa CDC. The consultations collected original data from online discussions with participants using Zoom and Facebook Live, as well as polls and surveys.

#AfricaYouthLead hashtag generating over 7,000 tweets and6,000 retweets with a reach of over 9 million+ people. The hashtag has also generated over 48 million+ impressions. Participants combined on Zoom joined Facebook Lives. 6,00025,500+24hrs #AfricaYouthLead hashtag7,000+ tweets#AfricaYouthLead hashtag6,000+ retweets. People reached9 million+Impressions 48 million+

The data highlights the vulnerability of young people on the continent as it pertains to the lack of access to healthcare; unemployment; lack of access to education; digital divide and gender inequality among others. Young people are calling for better emergency response mechanisms especially for young women, refugee youth, disabled youth, and youth in informal settlements. They additionally call for stronger commitment to end Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and to put in place support structures for young women.

They also call for the closure of the digital divide, increase of national budget to education that would ensure access to educational facilities, resources, and materials in both urban and rural areas. They emphasize better engagement of the African Union at the grassroots through the continued use of online platforms, more engagement with rural, migrant, refugee, and disabled youth in policy spaces as well as the adoption and implementation of policies that enable youth in establishing and sustaining businesses.

Download full Paper Policy or watch virtual AU Youth Consultation Series.

The Youth Cafe, a pan-African youth organization prides itself as a clearinghouse for youth resources. The Youth Cafe has published 2000+ reports, and briefs, including hundreds of peer-reviewed publications, reports, research findings e.t.c. If you have any questions, corrections, improvements regarding the resource; you cannot find what you are looking for; have additional resources that should be included here; please contact us.