Environmental Impact Assessment Process In Kenya

Environmental Impact Assessment Process In Kenya

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Under Kenya’s environmental laws, Environmental Impact Assessment is required for all projects that are likely to have a negative effect on the environment. The law classifies these projects into three groups according to the seriousness of their likely effects, namely: Low Risk, Medium Risk, and High-Risk projects. The full list of projects classified under these three categories is outlined in the Second Schedule of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act.

Where a planned project does not fall in any of the three categories as outlined in the Second Schedule of the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, the owner of the proposed project may be in doubt, write to NEMA for guidance on whether such a project requires an Environmental Impact Assessment or not. In case the project does not require Environmental Impact Assessment, NEMA will issue a clearance letter or letter of no objection to the project owner.

The community or interested parties may request the owner of the proposed project to furnish them with this letter for avoidance of doubt. For the low and medium risk projects, the owner is supposed to submit a summary project report of the likely environmental effect of the project to NEMA.

Read Full Environmental Impact Assessment Handbook.

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