young entrepreneurs

Promoting Entrepreneurship Among African Youth

Promoting Entrepreneurship Among African Youth

Acknowledging the importance of investing in and creating space and opportunities for young people for them to realize their full potential, The Youth Cafe has proposed several initiatives geared towards youth empowerment. The AU Agenda 2063 recognises the need to do this as a prerequisite for achieving the socio-economic transformation of Africa. This initiative is aimed at reaching millions of youth from across the continent with opportunities and interventions in key areas of employment, entrepreneurship, education and engagement.

Policy Guide on Youth Entrepreneurship

Policy Guide on Youth Entrepreneurship

Effective entrepreneurship education is key to ensuring that young people acquire the competencies and skills they need to pursue entrepreneurship and lay the groundwork for developing a culture of entrepreneurship. Concerted efforts are being made to integrate entrepreneurship education within and across regions. UNCTAD’s Empretec programme introduces entrepreneurship to young people, as do other UN programmes