International Day of Democracy 2023 | Empowering The Next Generation

International Day of Democracy 2023 | Empowering The Next Generation

The Youth Café, in collaboration with other partners, participated in the planning and execution of the International Day of Democracy celebration. The event took place on the 15th of September, 2023 at the National Museum, Nairobi. The event aimed at raising awareness, encouraging citizen participation, and fostering discussions on democratic governance and its impact on society. 

The Youth Café Is Part Of The IEBC Youth Coordinating Committee On Elections

The Youth Café Is Part Of The IEBC Youth Coordinating Committee On Elections

The Youth Coordinating Committee for Elections having been launched with the obligation to enhance youth participation in the electoral process, it is imperative to enhance the capacity of this committee to be able to carry out its mandate as per the aspirations shared by the commission. The Y.C.C. draws its membership from youth focused and youth-serving organizations across the country and will use these existing structures to conduct voter education and mobilization of young people to register as voters ahead of the general elections in 2022.