Media Council of Kenya

Digital Media Literacy Focus Group Discussions

Digital Media Literacy Focus Group Discussions

Collecting in-depth qualitative data to get insightful perspectives and understanding digital media literacy in Kenya. Media literacy is a tool to prepare future generations to combat the rising tide of information warfare. A thorough fact-checking process that delineates disinformation, misinformation and teaches to differentiate between clickbait, satire, pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and other content on the internet is necessary.

Media Literacy Curriculum Validation For Teachers | The Youth Cafe

Media Literacy Curriculum Validation For Teachers | The Youth Cafe

The draft MIL curriculum for teachers in Kenya was yesterday (on 6th September, 2019) validated by stakeholders for adaptation and mainstreaming in teacher training and professional development in the country. Stakeholders drawn from government agencies, academia, education sector, civil society and the private sector hailed the draft curriculum as a timely resource for re-tooling the Kenyan teacher to deliver on the new competency based curriculum being implemented in Kenya.