
Africa Youth Climate Assembly (AYCA) | African-led Solutions to Global Challenges

Africa Youth Climate Assembly (AYCA) | African-led Solutions to Global Challenges

The African Youth Climate Assembly (AYCA), is a dynamic and inclusive conference aimed at uniting and amplifying the voice of African youth, sharing ideas, and showcasing youth solutions in the global fight against climate change. With its focus on fostering collaboration and engagement, AYCA will gather young change-makers from over 60 nations across Africa and beyond, showcasing their work and connecting them with AU heads of state, policymakers, influential personalities, business leaders, non-state actors, and esteemed scientists. Under the theme, “African-led Solutions to Global Challenges”, our primary objective of the assembly is seeking systematical embedment of the voices of youth in the climate decision-making frameworks at the county, national, and AU levels before, during, and after the African Climate Summit.

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

Go Youth! Global Open Call on Youth Voices | Calling On Youth-Led Ideas And Innovations!

The open call has global prizes. Selected finalists will receive seed funding (quantum subject to the needs of each project) to pilot their innovations in their communities, as well as research mentorship to help monitor and evaluate their projects, write research manuscripts, and disseminate their findings to a wider audience. Finalists will also be given the opportunity to have their projects recognized at international conferences and ceremonies.

The Youth Cafe Shares Its Innovative Communication Strategies With Six Municipalities | The Youth Cafe

The Youth Cafe Shares Its Innovative Communication Strategies With Six Municipalities | The Youth Cafe

Between 3rd and 5th of March 2020, the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) and The Youth Café met to share innovative communication strategies and dissemination approaches at the Municipal Partnership Programme Dissemination conference. The conference was held at the Gelian Hotel in Machakos, Kenya, and was attended by five municipal partnerships between Sweden, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.