a campaign of campaigns

Is Kenya Prepared For The 2022 General Elections?

Is Kenya Prepared For The 2022 General Elections?

It is now time to deliberate on the state of electoral preparedness ahead of 2022's general election in Kenya. Many stakeholders such as The Youth Café, Election Observation Group (ELOG), The Kenya National Commission on Human rights (KNCHR) as well civil societies, faith-based organizations, members of the public and duty bearers involved in the election process, have a vested interest in the upcoming elections.

Reflections On The UN Commemoration Of Beijing+25

Reflections On The UN Commemoration Of Beijing+25

We have insisted decades ago, precisely in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, that gender equality and women’s human rights are not meant to be conceived as only as a national issue. Rather, a full understanding of what it means to mainstream gender equality at the core of every actions requires us to center our attention on global macro and structural measures. This is perhaps where Member States have a glaring debt in the face of their international commitments in relation to women’s human rights