code of conduct

Inclusive Information Ecosystem | Information Integrity on Digital Platforms

Inclusive Information Ecosystem | Information Integrity on Digital Platforms

While digital platforms and new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed our social, cultural, and political interactions by connecting, informing, and engaging people, they have also enabled the spread of lies and hate through mis- and disinformation, which can lead to violence and death and jeopardize democratic institutions and human rights. Some platforms have even faced criticism for their role in conflicts, including the war in Ukraine.

Is Kenya Prepared For The 2022 General Elections?

Is Kenya Prepared For The 2022 General Elections?

It is now time to deliberate on the state of electoral preparedness ahead of 2022's general election in Kenya. Many stakeholders such as The Youth Café, Election Observation Group (ELOG), The Kenya National Commission on Human rights (KNCHR) as well civil societies, faith-based organizations, members of the public and duty bearers involved in the election process, have a vested interest in the upcoming elections.