
African Youth Climate Assembly 2023 Declaration

African Youth Climate Assembly 2023 Declaration

The Declaration set out the ambition of the Africa Youth Climate Assembly as a precursor to the inaugural African Union Heads of State and Government Africa Climate Summit (ACS) with the outcomes of the Assembly feeding into the African Heads of State and Government Nairobi Declaration. Acknowledging the mounting uncertainties surrounding our future due to climate change and the escalating severity of its effects, there is one indisputable fact: We will bequeath this planet to today's children, young individuals, and the generations yet to come;

The Youth Cafés Report Of The 7th Eu-Africa Business Forum 2022.

The Youth Cafés Report Of The 7th Eu-Africa Business Forum 2022.

Unlocking Finance To Build Forward Better From The Covid-19 Crisis & Accelerate Delivery Of Sustainable Development.

Unlocking Finance To Build Forward Better From The Covid-19 Crisis & Accelerate Delivery Of Sustainable Development.

The African government's economic crisis over the Covid-19 Pandemic equals (1 to 7)% of their GDP, contributed by African Governments deploying fewer funds and measures for high-quality recovery. At The Youth Café, we believe that there is a need for financial education. This will increase unlocking finance to build forward better from COVID-19 and accelerate delivery on Sustainable Development as intended: To identify effective measures to address the overarching challenge of mobilizing adequate and sustainable finance to invest in sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063. To identify and articulate the financing needs and provide high-level insights on opportunities to mobilize finance, focusing on the role of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility designed and launched by ECA and partners.

Excerpt Three From A Recent Interview With University College London | The Role Of The Kenyan Social Enterprises Ecosystems

Excerpt Three From A Recent Interview With University College London | The Role Of The Kenyan Social Enterprises Ecosystems

Earlier this year, The Youth Café was interviewed by Eliana Summer-Galai, a Masters student with the Institute of Global Prosperity at University College London (UCL). This interview was to provide insight into her research on the Kenyan Social Enterprise Ecosystem. This is the third post of the series on What do you think the role of the Kenyan SEE is?

Excerpt One From A Recent Interview With University College London | State Of Social Enterprises Ecosystems In Kenya

Excerpt One From A Recent Interview With University College London | State Of Social Enterprises Ecosystems In Kenya

Earlier this year, The Youth Café was interviewed by Eliana Summer-Galai, a Masters student with the Institute of Global Prosperity at University College London (UCL). This interview was to provide insight into her research on the Kenyan Social Enterprise Ecosystem. The questions asked and our responses form a series of 8 blog posts dissecting important issues with regard to the Social Enterprise Ecosystem in Kenya. This is the first post of the series on more about The Youth Café.

Our Executive Director's Speech At The Futuremakers Forum ‘Unleashing The Potential Of Young People To Succeed In The Future World Of Work’

Our Executive Director's Speech At The Futuremakers Forum ‘Unleashing The Potential Of Young People To Succeed In The Future World Of Work’

On the 13th to 15th July 2021, The Youth Café attended the Futuremakers Forum. Hosted by Standard Chartered in partnership with Business Fights Poverty, the Futuremakers Forum brought stakeholders together to build partnerships and create opportunities focused on young people. In his capacity as a youth business leader in Africa, The Youth Cafés Executive Director, Willice Onyango, had been invited to speak at the panel.

FAO and AUC Virtual Technical Validation Workshop: Investment Guidelines For Youth In Agri-Food Systems In Africa.

FAO and AUC Virtual Technical Validation Workshop: Investment Guidelines For Youth In Agri-Food Systems In Africa.

Through multi-stakeholder engagements and in-depth country case studies, a draft Investment Guidelines for Youth in Agri-Food Systems in Africa has been produced by FAO in partnership with the AUC. The goal of this handbook is to serve as a resource for governmental and private sector partners, including financial institutions, civil society actors, youth-led organizations, and enterprises across the region, who want to encourage more investment in job creation and agricultural growth in rural areas of Africa. On this note, FAO and the AUC are co-organizing a virtual technical validation workshop aimed at providing a platform for participants to share views and provide final recommendations towards the finalization of the Investment Guidelines for Youth in Agri-food Systems in Africa.

Social, Environmental Factors Seen Behind Africa’s Low COVID-19 Cases

Social, Environmental Factors Seen Behind Africa’s Low COVID-19 Cases

The pandemic has largely been in a younger age group and has been more pronounced in a few countries, suggesting country-specific aspects are driving the pattern of disease and death. COVID-19 transmission in Africa has been marked by relatively fewer infections, which have been on the decline over the past months, owing to a variety of socio-ecological factors as well as early and strong public health measures taken by governments across the region.

Africa’s Free Trade Area Opens For Business

Africa’s Free Trade Area Opens For Business

The formal start of trading was given the official go-ahead at an extraordinary meeting in December 2020 where AU member states called on “women, youth, businesses, trade unions, civil society, cross border traders, the academia, the African Diaspora and other stakeholders to join them as governments in this historic endeavor of creating the “Africa We Want” in line with the Agenda 2063.