The Youth Cafe

Worrying Patterns of Abductions And Enforced Disappearances in Kenya

Worrying Patterns  of Abductions And Enforced Disappearances in Kenya

There have been thirteen (13) more cases of abductions or enforced disappearances in the last three (3) months bringing to eight-two (82) the total cases since June 2024. Seven (7) of the recent abduction cases were reported in the month of December 2024 with six (6) of them still missing, bringing to twenty-nine (29) the total number of persons still missing since June 2024.

A Position Statement on Climate Change and Health for COP28

A Position Statement on Climate Change and Health for COP28

We, The Youth Cafe, recognise the urgency of addressing climate change, with Africa facing heightened vulnerability to its devastating impacts. The latest findings from the IPCC’s  Special Report on Global Warming reveal that our planet is now 1.1  degrees Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels, with projections indicating a potential 1.5-degree threshold as early as 2040. Disturbingly, each successive decade since 1850 has been more generous than the last. The escalating temperature trend driven by human-induced greenhouse emissions threatens health, food security, and economic stability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 250,000 deaths per year may be directly linked to climate change-related issues such as heat stress, malnutrition, vector-borne diseases and water-borne diseases.

Harnessing Africa’s Youth Population For Inclusive Growth

Harnessing Africa’s Youth Population For Inclusive Growth

Africa stands at a critical juncture in its history, with a rapidly growing youth population that presents both challenges and opportunities. As the continent grapples with pressing issues such as food security and economic development, it is crucial to harness the potential of this demographic dividend to achieve inclusive growth. By empowering Africa’s youth and creating an enabling environment, we can transform the continent’s food systems and unlock its economic potential.

The Youth Café And Gender Equality

The Youth Café And Gender Equality

We are a youth development organization that prides itself on building a gender-aware, gender-sensitive, gender-responsive, and gender-equal society. We embrace Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) by adopting gender transformative approaches that create opportunities to challenge gender norms, promote social and political positions in communities, and address power inequities between persons of different genders.

The Youth Cafés Report Of The 7th Eu-Africa Business Forum 2022.

The Youth Cafés Report Of The 7th Eu-Africa Business Forum 2022.

Unlocking Finance To Build Forward Better From The Covid-19 Crisis & Accelerate Delivery Of Sustainable Development.

Unlocking Finance To Build Forward Better From The Covid-19 Crisis & Accelerate Delivery Of Sustainable Development.

The African government's economic crisis over the Covid-19 Pandemic equals (1 to 7)% of their GDP, contributed by African Governments deploying fewer funds and measures for high-quality recovery. At The Youth Café, we believe that there is a need for financial education. This will increase unlocking finance to build forward better from COVID-19 and accelerate delivery on Sustainable Development as intended: To identify effective measures to address the overarching challenge of mobilizing adequate and sustainable finance to invest in sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063. To identify and articulate the financing needs and provide high-level insights on opportunities to mobilize finance, focusing on the role of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility designed and launched by ECA and partners.

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

How Does The Youth Café Promote Critical Citizenship Among Youth In Kenya?

The Youth Café trains the youth on civic education driven by result-oriented, evidence-based performance, which informs Our Theory of Change: A Pathway for Action, Sustainability, Results, Learning, and Adoption. These changes include institutional changes, service systems, community norms, partnerships, public will, policies, regulations, service practices, business practices, and issue visibility.

Excerpt Eight From A Recent Interview With University College London | Business Models That Enable Both Profit And Purpose In The Kenyan Context

Excerpt Eight From A Recent Interview With University College London | Business Models That Enable Both Profit And Purpose In The Kenyan Context

Earlier this year, The Youth Café was interviewed by Eliana Summer-Galai, a Masters student with the Institute of Global Prosperity at University College London (UCL). This interview was to provide insight into her research on the Kenyan Social Enterprise Ecosystem. This is the eighth post of the series on Finding business models that enable both profit and purpose can be challenging globally, how do you see this in the Kenyan Context?