County Assembly

Justifying Meaningful Engagement And Inclusion Of Young People In Political Processes.

Justifying Meaningful Engagement And Inclusion Of Young People In Political Processes.

More transparency, better accountability, and greater responsiveness to the youth demographic are elements young Kenyans yearn for. The Kenyan government is beginning to respond to these demands. To encourage more civic engagement by younger citizens, the government is taking measures through the World Bank's Kenya Accountable Devolution Program (KADP) to incorporate public participatory budgeting into their budget decision-making process. The 2007 general elections highlighted Kenya's failure to engage its youth constituency effectively in political, governance, and electoral processes. Building trust between young people and democratic institutions is critical as young people make up a substantive part of the overall Kenyan population.

County Governance Status Report (CGSR) 2019

County Governance Status Report (CGSR) 2019

The study drew respondents from 16 countries distributed across all regions in Kenya. a total of 2.422 citizens participated in the survey, 52% being male and 48% being female. More than half (51%) of the respondents were between the age of 18 and 35 years while 41% of the total respondents had attained secondary education. The study also drew respondents from both arms of the county government which elected Members of County Assembly(MCAs) comprising the highest number (33) of respondents followed by Council Executive Committee Members (CECs) who totaled 22.