political parties

A Comprehensive Analysis Of Youth Participation In Kenya's 2022 General Elections | Summary of Findings

A Comprehensive Analysis Of Youth Participation In Kenya's 2022 General Elections | Summary of Findings

This report is The Youth Cafe’s review of youth participation in 2022 General elections in Kenya. It builds on the previous reports by adding new data from the last two general elections, using age data from official electoral datasets., as well as other quantitative and qualitative data from 47 counties. The data is current as at 16 Jan 2023. Scholarly studies and information from interviews also helped provide a full picture of youth participation before, during and after elections in 2022. Key findings and examples of good practices on addressing youth under-representation are included throughout the report, as are recommendations for further action.

Youth Candidacy in Nigeria’s 2023 Elections

In the 2023 general elections in Nigeria, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) will conduct elections in 176,846 polling units for elections into the office of the President, Governors, National Assembly, and State House of Assembly seats. Eighteen political parties nominated a total of 15,336 candidates for the one Presidential, 28 governorship elections, 469 legislative seats in the National Assembly, and 993 legislative seats in the State Houses of Assembly. According to the African Youth Charter, youths are classified as persons between the ages of 18 – and 35 years. The National Youth Policy defines 15 – 29 as the youth age bracket for Nigeria.

Justifying Meaningful Engagement And Inclusion Of Young People In Political Processes.

Justifying Meaningful Engagement And Inclusion Of Young People In Political Processes.

More transparency, better accountability, and greater responsiveness to the youth demographic are elements young Kenyans yearn for. The Kenyan government is beginning to respond to these demands. To encourage more civic engagement by younger citizens, the government is taking measures through the World Bank's Kenya Accountable Devolution Program (KADP) to incorporate public participatory budgeting into their budget decision-making process. The 2007 general elections highlighted Kenya's failure to engage its youth constituency effectively in political, governance, and electoral processes. Building trust between young people and democratic institutions is critical as young people make up a substantive part of the overall Kenyan population.

The Kenyan Youth Manifesto | Youth Development Agenda

The  Kenyan Youth Manifesto |  Youth Development Agenda

Being the product of an elaborate deliberative process involving young people. Building on national constitutions, Regional Economic Communities, National Youth Policies, Youth Charter to unveil a foundational document to frame the youth development agenda.