skills development

OECD Youth Policy Toolkit | A Better Future for Young People in Ageing Societies

OECD Youth Policy Toolkit | A Better Future for Young People in Ageing Societies

The OECD Youth Policy Toolkit supports the implementation and dissemination of the OECD Recommendation on Creating Better Opportunities for Young People (hereafter the “OECD Youth Recommendation”), which was adopted in June 2022 by all OECD countries. The Youth Recommendation promotes a government-wide strategy to improve youth measures and outcomes in all relevant policy areas, including employment, entrepreneurship, education and social policies, as well as civic engagement and public governance. The Toolkit has been produced as part of the OECD Horizontal ProjectA Better Future for Young People in Ageing Societies,” led jointly by the OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS) and the Public Governance Directorate (GOV), in order to provide practical guidance to improve the design and implementation of policies for young people.

The Youth Cafés 2021 Annual Impact Report.

The Youth Cafés 2021 Annual Impact Report.

The Youth Café is proud to share the eighth Impact Report produced based on the Social Return on Investment methodology. The average Social Return on Investment ratio for The Youth Café is 1:12, meaning that an investment of $1 delivers $12 value in terms of positive social impact. The present report outlines the main activities and projects carried out by The Youth Café from January to December 2021.

Futuremakers Forum Insight Paper | Unleashing The Potential of Young People

Futuremakers Forum Insight Paper | Unleashing The Potential of Young People

In July, Standard Chartered in collaboration with Business Fights Poverty held the Futuremakers Forum 2021. This Insights Paper is a distillation of the lessons learned during the Forum. The paper is divided into two sections - the first section focuses on what young people shared during the Forum, and the second, on business leaders.

Strengthening Youth Livelihoods And Enterprise Innovation In Africa’s Digital Era

Strengthening Youth Livelihoods And Enterprise Innovation In Africa’s Digital Era

The Youth Café has cross-published this report in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). This publication is the second of two to explore the findings and insights from an online global consultation, held in July 2020, exploring young Africans’ use of digital technologies in different areas in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. More specifically, this paper discusses the topics of the second day of the consultation, when participants delved into employment in the gig economy, business and tech innovation, and financial inclusion.

Advancing Youth-centred Digital Ecosystems In Africa In A Post-Covid-19 World

Advancing Youth-centred Digital Ecosystems In Africa In A Post-Covid-19 World

The Youth Café has cross-published this report in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). This publication is the first of two to explore the findings and insights from an online global consultation, held in July 2020, exploring young Africans’ use of digital technologies in different areas in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.

The African Youth Charter | Empowering Young People Through Youth Participation And Equal Partnership

The African Youth Charter  | Empowering Young People Through Youth Participation And Equal Partnership

The Charter is a political and legal document which serves as the strategic framework that gives direction for youth empowerment and development at continental, regional and national levels.