The Associated Country Women of the World | Rural Women Empowerment

What does ACWW does?

The Associated Country Women of the World is an International Non-Governmental Organisation that pursues its charitable objectives through its member societies, individual members and networks of non-member Non-Governmental Organisations. Together, we represent more than 9 million women in more than 80 countries around the world. We do this through advocacy, partnership, sharing knowledge and local activities. This includes using our Consultative Status with the UN and its Agencies to represent rural women, facilitate better access to better information resources, funding community development projects and training programmes.
Known by members and supporters globally by our acronym ACWW, we are proud to be celebrating our 90th Anniversary in 2019. It will be marked by the 29th Triennial World Conference, held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Australia.
Below you can read some highlights and excerpts from our Annual Report, as well as learning more about ACWW's work around the world.

The lifeblood of our organisation is our membership. From the smallest branches to vast umbrella organisations, and individuals around the world, we rely on these generous and passionate supporters allow us to invest in empowering women. Our focus remains securely on supporting and advocating for women in rural communities, which requires investment in project development, advocacy and core administrative costs. We are very grateful to our membership and supporters globally for their donations to Pennies for Friendship and Projects funds.

At the heart of ACWW's work is women's empowerment, and our projects are a crucial contribution to a safe, sustainable, progressive future for women and communities worldwide. We believe our model of responsive funding - reacting to the needs of a community rather than dictating what they need or should have - is critical for female empowerment. We implement responsive funding through small-scale, community-based projects which are led by local women.

We work with partner NGOs, organisations, and groups in their own local communities to ensure that we are reaching the right people, and that the projects funded are relevant and are making a sustainable difference.

Our special emphasis on partnering with local groups means that we avoid the costs, and risks, of having aid workers deployed around the world. Working with local people means that we can support local methods, culturally relevant solutions, and ensure that empowerment and independence are by-products of every project funded.

The Youth Cafe, a pan-african youth organization prides itself as a clearing house for youth resources. The Youth Cafe has published 2000+ reports, and briefs, including hundreds of peer-reviewed publications, reports, research findings e.t.c. If you have any question, correction, improvement regarding the resource; you cannot find what you are looking for; have additional resource that should be included here; please call us or send us an email.