Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation | International Philanthropy

BILLY & MELLINDA GATES FOUNDATION BELIEVE IN: THE PATH OUT OF POVERTY BEGINS WHEN THE NEXT GENERATION CAN ACCESS QUALITY HEALTHCARE AND A GREAT EDUCATION. In developing countries, they focus on improving people’s health and wellbeing, helping individuals lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, we seek to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—can access the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life.

The Youth Cafe, a pan-african youth organization prides itself as a clearing house for youth resources. The Youth Cafe has published 2000+ reports, and briefs, including hundreds of peer-reviewed publications, reports, research findings e.t.c. If you have any question, correction, improvement regarding the resource; you cannot find what you are looking for; have additional resource that should be included here; please call us or send us an email.