Young African Leaders Initiative | U.S. Department Of State

Young African Leaders Initiative

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) is the United States’ signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. YALI Regional Leadership Centers (RLCs) are located at higher education institutions in sub-Saharan Africa and offer leadership training programs to young leaders between the ages of 18 and 35.
By providing in-person and online training, networking, and professional development opportunities, the RLCs serve as a place for regional collaboration driven by young leaders.
The RLCs are a project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in close partnership with The MasterCard Foundation and other private sector partners.
Each center is managed as a public-private partnership.

There are four Regional Leadership Centers offering training throughout the year. In 2019, the RLCs established YALI Africa as a convening body to connect the Centers and serve as a central point for mobilizing resources and maintaining a unified mandate and vision. To learn more about the RLCs and how to apply for their programs, click the button below.

The Youth Cafe, a pan-african youth organization prides itself as a clearing house for youth resources. The Youth Cafe has published 2000+ reports, and briefs, including hundreds of peer-reviewed publications, reports, research findings e.t.c. If you have any question, correction, improvement regarding the resource; you cannot find what you are looking for; have additional resource that should be included here; please call us or send us an email.