Call to Action on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

On Tuesday the 11th of January 2022, The Youth Café members were thrilled to be part of another pre-mobile clinic meeting held at the Border Police Unit headquarters in Kanyonyoo, Kitui County. The US Army officials are initiating the mobile clinic project at the Border Police Unit headquarters to promote the Border Police Unit and the work they do for the communities around for better relations and collaborations between the police officers and members of the community.

Mobilizing and Empowering Youth to Implement the Unfinished Business of ICPD | The Youth Cafe

Mobilizing and Empowering Youth to Implement the Unfinished Business of ICPD | The Youth Cafe

The Youth Cafe commits to empower young people to demand their rights and hold national systems and services accountable. In particular, we commit to amplifying the voices of adolescents in our advocacy efforts and working to strengthen national platforms for increased and equitable adolescent engagement in developing policies and programs that impact them.