international peace and security

Global Youth Policy Paper On the Summit of Future | Youth Policy Priorities - A Pact for OUR Future

Global Youth Policy Paper On the Summit of Future | Youth Policy Priorities - A Pact for OUR Future

The Global Youth Policy Paper sets out young people’s expectations and desired priorities for the Summit of Future (SOTF). From October 2022 onwards, youth organizations and constituencies have undertaken a range of youth-led consultative activities to capture the views, perspectives, and opinions of youth groups in what is their vision for the Pact for the Future.

United Nations General Assembly Summit | Renewal Of The Multilateral System To Accelerate Development

United Nations General Assembly  Summit | Renewal Of The Multilateral System To Accelerate Development

The 75th anniversary of the UN came at a time when the world was confronting the shared threats of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, the risks and opportunities of technological advances, and the stagnation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In recognition of these trends and our unprecedented interconnectedness, Member States pledged to strengthen global governance and asked the Secretary-General for his recommendations to address current and future challenges. The Secretary-General responded with Our Common Agenda, calling for solidarity between people, countries and generations and a corresponding renewal of the multilateral system to accelerate the implementation of existing commitments and fill gaps in global governance that have emerged since 2015.

Kenyan Youth Innovations To The Informal Housing Challenge.

Kenyan Youth Innovations To The Informal Housing Challenge.

In many developing countries, informal settlements are a widespread occurrence. "Informal settlement" is sometimes misinterpreted as a shorthand for urban poverty and misery, overcrowding, and exposure to environmental dangers. This may be influenced by the fact that informal settlements lack essential infrastructural services and facilities and have a high concentration of difficulties to cities' social and political fabric.

The Youth Café | A formidable Member Of The Peace And Security Community.

The Youth Café | A formidable Member Of The Peace And Security Community.

The Youth Café, as a formidable member of the peace and security community, with a thematic area in peace and security, and actively engaging youth in the maintenance and promotion of local and international peace and security through the prevention of violent extremism, in collaboration with United Nations System Staff College, is pleased to invite you to learn more about the YPS primer. The Youth, Peace, and Security Primer, also known as the YPS Primer, is a FREE online learning tool that provides hands-on guidance and resources on promoting meaningful youth participation in peace and security efforts and is available in 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Portuguese.

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

The Youth Café In A Mobile Clinics Meeting At The Border Police Unit Headquarters.

On Tuesday the 11th of January 2022, The Youth Café members were thrilled to be part of another pre-mobile clinic meeting held at the Border Police Unit headquarters in Kanyonyoo, Kitui County. The US Army officials are initiating the mobile clinic project at the Border Police Unit headquarters to promote the Border Police Unit and the work they do for the communities around for better relations and collaborations between the police officers and members of the community.

Reflecting On Youth, Peace And Security At The ICGLR Regional Multifunctional Youth Forum 

Reflecting On Youth, Peace And Security At The  ICGLR Regional Multifunctional Youth Forum 

The meeting assessed the implementation of the ICGLR Heads of State and Government Declaration on Youth Unemployment and the Pact on Security, Stability and development. Further, it looked at ways of developing the ICGLR Regional Action Plan on UNSC Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security as adopted by the ICGLR Heads of State and Government during their 8th Ordinary Summit held on 20th November 2020. The meeting also received presentations on the UNSCR 1325 process for peer learning. This came on the heels of a developments in the region, including elections in the Republic of Burundi, Tanzania and Central Africa Republic.

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

What We Learnt From The First 75 UN 75 Youth Townhall | The Youth Cafe

The United Nations will mark 75 years of existence this year. To celebrate this anniversary, the UN has continued to stimulate conversations around the role of global cooperation and the UN that we want. The World is in the middle of a huge pandemic which has affected our normal as we know it. Due to this pandemic, major activities have been halted and this has affected major UN meetings with regard to the UN75declaration. Under the able leadership of António Guterres secretary general UN, the conversation around this declaration has continued online.