
Kenya’s National Youth Forum on Corruption | Uniting with Youth Against Corruption | Shaping Tomorrow's Integrity

Kenya’s National Youth Forum on Corruption | Uniting with Youth Against Corruption | Shaping Tomorrow's Integrity

Building on this momentum and the upcoming International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) on December 9, themed “Uniting with Youth Against Corruption: Shaping Tomorrow's Integrity”, UNODC’s Africa Anti-corruption Hub, The Youth Cafe, in collaboration with the National Youth Council of Kenya (NYC),  is planning a forum for young people in Kenya to educate them on key anti-corruption priorities and accountability actions, share experience and propose innovative solutions  to promote transparency and accountability of government institutions in Kenya

Summit Of The Future | What Would It Deliver?

Summit Of The Future | What Would It Deliver?

The proposals in Our Common Agenda aim to turbocharge the 2030 Agenda. The specific ideas from the report that are suggested for consideration at the Summit of the Future focus on the “how” of global cooperation, to in turn enable us to deliver on the “what” by: (a) getting the SDGs back on track, while also (b) responding to new opportunities and challenges.

United Nations General Assembly Summit | Renewal Of The Multilateral System To Accelerate Development

United Nations General Assembly  Summit | Renewal Of The Multilateral System To Accelerate Development

The 75th anniversary of the UN came at a time when the world was confronting the shared threats of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, the risks and opportunities of technological advances, and the stagnation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In recognition of these trends and our unprecedented interconnectedness, Member States pledged to strengthen global governance and asked the Secretary-General for his recommendations to address current and future challenges. The Secretary-General responded with Our Common Agenda, calling for solidarity between people, countries and generations and a corresponding renewal of the multilateral system to accelerate the implementation of existing commitments and fill gaps in global governance that have emerged since 2015.