greenhouse gases

The African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on Climate Change and Call to Action

The African Leaders Nairobi Declaration on Climate Change and Call to Action

We, the African Heads of State and Government, gathered for the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS) in Nairobi, Kenya, from 4th to 6th September 2023; in the presence of other global leaders, intergovernmental organizations, Regional Economic Communities, United Nations Agencies, private sector, civil society organizations, indigenous peoples, local communities, farmer organizations, children, youth, women and academia, hereby:

Kenyan Youth Innovations To The Informal Housing Challenge.

Kenyan Youth Innovations To The Informal Housing Challenge.

In many developing countries, informal settlements are a widespread occurrence. "Informal settlement" is sometimes misinterpreted as a shorthand for urban poverty and misery, overcrowding, and exposure to environmental dangers. This may be influenced by the fact that informal settlements lack essential infrastructural services and facilities and have a high concentration of difficulties to cities' social and political fabric.

Working To Develop Visions Of A Climate Resilient And Carbon Emission Free Future

Working To Develop Visions Of A Climate Resilient And Carbon Emission Free Future

Since one of our key focus areas at The Youth Café, as highlighted by our Theory of Change is Environmental Preservation and Climate change, we are delighted to be attending a virtual workshop session to be held on July 19, 2021 as part of the second phase of the project. This workshop will be attended by a diverse group of people including young people, indigenous and rural communities, civil society, business, industry, and government.