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Taking Part In The 2063 Academy Youth Dialogue

Taking Part In The 2063 Academy Youth Dialogue

The Agenda 2063 youth dialogue incorporated different Non-Governmental Organizations that presented the work that they do and their recommendations as to what they believe can be done to advance the needs of African youth. Read more about some of their recommendations to achieve Agenda 2063 “integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens, and representing a dynamic force in the global arena”

Africa Union Youth Letter | A Call To Action By The Youth Cafe

Africa Union  Youth Letter | A Call To Action By The Youth Cafe

The Africa we want to live in is one that sees every young person involved in its development and flourishing. We want to see young Africans from all the African states, enabled to join hands and work collectively, in peace and in unity. We want to use those hands, our strengths and the power of our minds to collectively, creatively, and innovatively raise Africa up to great heights and with our abundant resources, be a blessing to the world.