participatory democracy

The Youth Cafe. Club De Madrid Host A Dialogue With Former Malian Prime Minister

The Youth Cafe. Club De Madrid Host A Dialogue With Former  Malian Prime Minister

To kick off the conversation, Moussa Mara, a dynamic former Prime Minister of Mali, delved into the profound significance of democracy and the pivotal role of youth involvement. Sharing his inspiring journey, Mara recounted how he became mayor at the remarkable age of 34 and ascended to the position of minister by 39. His story stands as a testament to the limitless possibilities available to young people who are determined to make a difference.

Taking Part In The Annual Deliberative Democracy | The Status Of Civic Participation Worldwide

Taking Part In The  Annual Deliberative Democracy | The Status Of Civic Participation Worldwide

The fifth edition of the network's annual conference was attended by 125 scholars, practitioners and policymakers from every continent. The Youth Cafe staff were happy to have participated in this event. Network members came from the US, Brazil, Mexico, Kenya, Nigeria, Mauritius, Israel, India, Taiwan, Australia and 13 European countries, including Ukraine. Entitled "Innovating Deliberative Democracy", the conference dealt with three key themes: political participation, inclusive participation and democracy in (times of) crisis.