Assessing African Youth Development: Insights From The African Youth Development Index

Assessing  African Youth Development: Insights From The African Youth Development Index

The Youth Cafe is developing its first iteration of the African Youth Development Index (AYDI) 2024, focusing on youth development in the continent. The relentless spirit of African youth has inspired this initiative and aims to provide an in-depth assessment of the youth's progress, challenges, and success stories. The AYDI 2024 showcases a keen focus on areas such as education, health, employment, civic participation, and environmental engagement.

Designathon Open Call

Designathon Open Call

Have you organized a designathon, hackathon, or similar process focused on health? Our open call to gather practices and practical strategies for health designathons is now open!

The Social Entrepreneurship to Spur Health (SESH) team, the Social Innovation in Health Initiative (SIHI), and the Ending HIV Transmission by Optimizing PrEP in East Asia (HOPE) consortium are organizing this call for descriptions of how people have organized their designathons. 

Building Sustainable And Resilient Food Systems Through One Health / Lessons From East Africa

Building Sustainable And Resilient Food Systems Through One Health / Lessons From East Africa

In the context of increasing food security, more sustainable and resilient food systems will ensure people have access to safe, nutritious, and healthy food while preserving the environment. At the beginning of October 2022, The Youth Cafe, Foraus and other partners discussed Food Systems Challenges and Policy Solutions in the Eastern African region. This article states the main challenge areas and solution pathways for decision-makers.

How The Youth Cafe Engages Young People

When the people most impacted by a challenge become part of solution-building, solutions are more likely to meet urgent needs sustainably. Young people possess the greatest understanding of their needs. They also possess the creativity and energy to see old problems in new ways. Youth participation in program design and delivery can drive innovation, increase retention of program participants, lead to longer-lasting program outcomes, and positively impact surrounding systems.

Taking Part In The Annual Deliberative Democracy | The Status Of Civic Participation Worldwide

Taking Part In The  Annual Deliberative Democracy | The Status Of Civic Participation Worldwide

The fifth edition of the network's annual conference was attended by 125 scholars, practitioners and policymakers from every continent. The Youth Cafe staff were happy to have participated in this event. Network members came from the US, Brazil, Mexico, Kenya, Nigeria, Mauritius, Israel, India, Taiwan, Australia and 13 European countries, including Ukraine. Entitled "Innovating Deliberative Democracy", the conference dealt with three key themes: political participation, inclusive participation and democracy in (times of) crisis.

Food Security And One Health For The Future Workshop

Food  Security And  One Health For  The  Future Workshop

The Youth Cafe, in partnership with Foraus, is working on a project to promote One Health and Food Security in East Africa. One Health as a concept first appeared in 2004, when a coalition of global health experts laid its foundations with the so-called “Manhattan principles”, setting the agenda for fifteen years of advocacy by several academic and non-profit organizations.

Africa Continental African Youth Parliament |  Strengthening Youth Participation In Inclusive Policy and Decision-making Processes

Africa Continental African Youth Parliament |  Strengthening Youth Participation In Inclusive Policy and Decision-making Processes

The Youth Cafe has established the Africa  Continental Youth Parliament (ACYP). African young people, youth-led organizations and networks now  have a safe and inclusive platform to participate in dialogues, debates and thematic discussions, access key information, learn about  policies and partnership and actively engage in policy making and monitoring as well as in influencing the decision-making processes. Seven major programmes have been established to support the youth needs, vision and aspirations under the ACYP structure.

The Youth Café Partners With Nexford University

The Youth Café Partners With Nexford University

The Youth Cafe signed The Partnership Agreement and the Learn-to-Earn Coalition Agreement with Nexford University, which will positively impact many youths' lives. The Youth Cafe will receive partnership benefits, including an exclusive scholarship to The Youth Café community and shared revenue with The Youth Café for every member of its community who enrolls at Nexford through marketing initiatives and earns up to $300 in shared revenue.