76th World Health Assembly and Strategic Roundtable on Immunization

76th World Health Assembly and Strategic Roundtable on Immunization

The Strategic Roundtables will be held from 22 to 27 May 2023, from 13:00 to 14:15 CEST. The events will bring together delegates, experts from WHO, partner agencies and civil society to discuss current priorities and next solutions on vital issues for global public health.

The Consortium For Elections And Political Process Strengthening | Annual Learning Forum 2023

The Consortium For Elections And Political Process Strengthening | Annual Learning Forum 2023

The Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) invites you to join our inaugural Annual Learning Forum - a public learning event scheduled from May 22-25, 2023 - to launch the Democratic Elections and Political Processes (DEPP) Learning Agenda. 

The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member Of The Global Democracy Coalition

The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member Of The Global  Democracy Coalition

The Youth Cafe (TYC) is pleased to join the Global Democracy Coalition (GDC). The Global Democracy Coalition is a multi-stakeholder alliance of democracy organizations from around the world committed to advancing and protecting democracy worldwide and influencing the Summits for Democracy and the Year of Action.The Youth Cafe is committed to advancing and protecting democracy.

The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member Of The Health NGOs Network (HENNET)

The Youth Cafe Becomes A Member Of The Health NGOs Network (HENNET)

The Youth Cafe joins HENNET because its proposed interventions are aligned with HENNET's goals of achieving malaria elimination, ending HIV/AIDS epidemic, and building resilient and sustainable health systems. Our work will contribute to reducing the burden of malaria and contribute to the achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets among young people in Kenya and improving their health and well-being.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | Youth Forum Declaration

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | Youth Forum Declaration

This Declaration contains the priorities and recommendations of youth who participated in the third meeting of the UNCTAD Youth Forum, held with remote participation from 16 to 18 September 2021, in the lead up to the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XV). With over 300 participants from over 80 countries, the Forum provided a global view of the tools needed to achieve a sustainable recovery in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in terms of trade and development.

Youth participants selected five topics they deemed to be the most crucial to young people to address at this point in time, namely, inclusive social and economic development, new economies, climate action, inclusive and equitable learning and youth civic participation. Under each of these areas, suggestions and policy recommendations are included to be presented to member States at UNCTAD XV

Call To Action To Civil Society | The Future Of The Summit For Democracy Needs Youth

Call To Action To Civil Society | The Future Of The Summit For Democracy Needs Youth

Democracy organizations co-leads of the Youth Democracy cohort (International IDEA, the European Partnership for Democracy, the European Democracy Youth Network and AfricTivistes) call on civil society organisations and other stakeholders around the world to promote youth political participation as a bedrock of the Summit for Democracy process for the future.

The call comes in the context of the second Summit for Democracy which takes place in Washington, Seoul, San Jose, The Hague, and Lusaka on the 29th and 30th of March 2023 at which countries will discuss the most pressing challenges facing democracy. The Summit for Democracy will mobilize leadership and commitments to expand support to democracy globally.

Announcing An Open Call On Community Engagement In Data Science Research In Africa

The open call is being organized by the REDSSA (Research for Ethical Data Science in sub-Saharan Africa) group, with the goal to identify stakeholder-driven ways to increase community engagement on data science in health research in Africa. The organizers are seeking creative ideas for how to raise awareness among communities that sensitive individual health and location information is being collected and shared as part of large, anonymized data sets for research.

Designathon Open Call New Extended Deadline of March 7, 2023

Designathon Open Call New Extended Deadline of March 7, 2023

A designathon (aka hackathon, sprint collaboration, intensive workshop) is a three-stage activity that includes an open call for ideas and participants, an intensive period of collaborative work, and follow-up activities. The purpose of this open call is to gather practices and practical tips related to designathons for health in order to inform the development of a global SIHI/TDR consensus statement on organizing health designathons. Our team are organizing this call for descriptions of how people have organized their designathons.